Sam worked really hard today. He walked farther than he has previously. He has eaten a little more, and sat up for longer periods of time. He is struggling with pain a bit with all this activity, especially because they turned off his continuous Morphine drip. He still can press his button to get it on demand, however. The goal to go home is being off the Morphine entirely and feeling he can walk and get in and out of bed a little more independently. All these things have to balance with him not being in TOO much pain. Overall, things are going well and we are hopeful that we can go home this week.
Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy came by today. They made Sam really push himself to be able to do some daily activities on his own. They provided some help on getting out of bed, brushing his teeth, and other mundane activities that he needs to work back up to. They helped me learn how to help him regain the strength for these as well as gave me lots of input on helping with other activities such as reading and writing while in the hard collar as well as after because of his limitations with the fusion. The time with OT/PT has brought home to us exactly how many adjustments are going to need to be made. We have a lot of work ahead of us at home.
I spoke to Sam's surgeon this morning as well. He showed me the post-op MRI which I had not seen yet. He showed me a comparison between that, the post traction MRI, and the pre-hospital MRI. The difference is really remarkable. It gave me a much rounder view of exactly how compressed his brain stem was to begin with. Prior to the surgery, the doctor had explained to me that sometimes you lose a little ground from traction to surgery because things settle. Much to my joy he pointed out that we actually gained space from traction to surgery. He said it was even a better result than he had anticipated. The Doctor indicated that if we had X chance of needing trans-nasal surgery in the future we had reduced that to 1/100th of that chance. Praise God!
Sam was needing rest at the time, but there was a special visitor to the hospital today. He left a gift for Sam.
The signature is from Cubs player John Grabow. He signed it specifically to Sam. Sam didn't mind missing him because he not really a sports fan, but it was a nice thing for him to be able to take home.
Please pray that Sam would continue to feel encouraged and continue to press forward through this hard time, and not feel discouraged when it is slow and hard. Also, that his pain would reduce and be easier to deal with. I think being home will raise his spirits and make moving around and sleeping well much easier.
Praise God that each day gets a little better now, and for such a fantastic outcome to Sam's surgery, even more than the Dr. had hoped for. "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within." Ephesians 3:20 We thank the Lord for continuing to carry us through this according to His good will and plan.
Thank you all so much for the messages, cards, pictures and other creative items you have sent Sam. It is really a high for him and continues to remind him that there is a world outside these four walls. Many blessing to you all.
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